16 research outputs found

    DRAFT Evaluating Value-Graph Translation Validation for LLVM

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    Translation validators are static analyzers that attempt to verify that program transformations preserve semantics. Normalizing translation validators do so by trying to match the value-graphs of an original function and it’s transformed counterpart. In this paper, we present the design of such a validator for LLVM’s intra-procedural optimizations, a design that does not require any instrumentation of the optimizer, nor any rewriting of the source code to compile, and needs to run only once to validate a pipeline of optimizations. We present the results of our preliminary experiments on a set of benchmarks that include GCC, a perl interpreter, sqlite3, and other C programs. 1

    Towards type-theoretic semantics for transactional concurrency

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    We propose a dependent type theory that integrates programming, specifications, and reasoning about higher-order concurrent programs with shared transactional memory. The design builds upon our previous work on Hoare Type Theory (HTT), which we extend with types that correspond to Hoare-style specifications for transactions. The types track shared and local state of the process separately, and enforce that shared state always satisfies a given invariant, except at specific critical sections which appear to execute atomically. Atomic sections may violate the invariant, but must restore it upon exit. HTT follows Separation Logic in providing tight specifications of space requirements. As a logic, we argue that HTT is sound and compositional. As a programming language, we define its operational semantics and show adequacy with respect to specifications

    An expressive language of signatures

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